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  • B-D - bondage and discipline
  • D-S - dominance and submissiveness
  • S-M - sadism and masochism

People want to try something new during sex, there's nothing strange about that. Some need it, others seek it… Quite a lot of people may desire pain or humiliation unconsciously. It is completely individual. Some may desire to receive pain or humiliation, another desires to see the pain and another wants to be the source of it.... Pain, often associated with humiliation, can easily become as attractive to some individuals as erotic stimuli are to others. In addition, in conjunction with erotic situations or stimulation, their sexual experience can significantly multiply.


Benefits and positive effects of BDSM


1 - Better communication

BDSM couples are better at communicating. Just for the fact that they use safe words during playtime and have set rules. It must be clear between them when it is a game and when it is reality. This is different from ordinary couples who communicate more together but only occasionally. For example, in a conflict or an argument.


2 – Increased intimacy

Things that happen between a couple are more out of the norm. Greater mutual trust is important because many practices are potentially dangerous.


3 – Promotes loyalty

Maintaining a BDSM relationship requires an even greater effort than a standard relationship. Both partners give this commitment much more emotional energy and share more intimacy. The barriers are greater and it is much harder to leave.


4 – Better mental health

Until recently, BDSM was associated with rape, aggression, and with bad thoughts in the mind. New research by scientists says the opposite. People dedicated to these games came out of the study as more empathetic, more sensitive, more open to others and more receptive.

Scientists have shown that during BDSM stress hormone levels decrease significantly. The same goes for anxiety. An undeniable plus of BDSM is the space it opens up for the human imagination. Suddenly, hidden desires are possible. And the human mind yearns for much. With the right partner and well-adjusted boundaries, one realises one's most secret fantasies and is thus free behind the closed door of the bedroom. They can then return to normal life more calm and much more balanced.


Telephone: (+420) 725 825 142
Open hours 24/7
We process telephone reservations every day from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m.
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Prague – Vinohrady
Prague – Sokolovská